To say the least, I'm one step closer to realising my dream as a Jewelry Designer. *wink* A month or so ago, I took a big leap, a decision I today am glad I did. The process was pretty stressful at some levels as I had to think thoroughly, if this is what I really want to achieve in the future - be it a profession, a business or even just a hobby. A lot of time has been put into it, classes - drawings & making the jewelry itself has been exciting yet challenging as creativity is key especially in the jewelry making class.
Jewelry Making - Love! I had just completed my basic level and will soon progress to the advance level. Looking forward to the methods, types, ideas and challenges I will face to producing one-of-a-kind pieces. It is amazing how something you have so much passion for just falls into place and the best part is, it feels right. :-) Though the travelling time spent to and fro to S'pore is absolutely tiring, it is well worth it. I've made several pieces consisting of pendants, rings, brooches etc and I just adore them, I wear them almost everyday. Featured below are a couple of my favourite pieces. As an appreciation to mum on Mother's Day, I made her a 999 silver brooch. (no pic shown)
A 999 silver ring with an antique look to it. Can also be worn as a pendant. A fav!
Textured leaf pendant made from 999 silver. Another everyday wearable piece.
Aside from my Jewelry Making classes, I've also signed myself up to a Jewelry Design course. It is a 9 month course and it is pretty fun...I get to play with colour pencils, and draw out various gemstones, diamonds, pearls etc. I too get to be trained how to study the stuff and learn the traits of the jewelry business. Soon, we'll be taught to design actual jewelry pieces and I can't wait! To date, it'll be 8 more months towards becoming a Jewelry Designer, an apprentice for a start. *tee hee*
Doing this has been the best decision I've made to pursue a passion and I hope you who might feel similarly would do the same. It is never too late learn to gain more knowledge. Knowledge is golden and it is forever kept with you.
Hope to pursue this passion into a full time career someday. *Fingers crossed*
Presently, I take custom orders for silver only items as shown above. Designs can be proposed or brought should you have something in mind.
I just got one order and I'm psyched to get started. Till next time! :-)